Statement of the American Television Alliance on ATSC 3.0 Rulemaking

Feb 23, 2017

Washington, D.C. – The Federal Communications Commission voted today to begin a rulemaking to examine the proposed transition of over-the-air television broadcast signals to a new standard known as ATSC 3.0.  The proposed transition to this new standard will have consequences for anyone who owns a television.  If implemented properly, ATSC 3.0 could bring consumers important benefits, such as access to higher quality 4K video, immersive sound, and more efficient spectrum usage.  Yet the transition also raises questions about costs, required new equipment, and the relationship between broadcasters and distributors.  The transition to ATSC 3.0 signals, moreover, promises to be costly and complicated, notwithstanding broadcaster claims to the contrary.

“We applaud the Commission’s balanced and deliberate NPRM.  We believe it will provide for a robust discussion of the critical issues and help ensure that the proposed transition benefits all broadcast television viewers regardless of whether they receive those signals over the air or from a pay TV provider,” said Trent Duffy, ATVA spokesman.


The American Television Alliance (ATVA) brings together an unprecedented coalition of consumer groups, cable, satellite, telephone companies, and independent programmers to raise awareness about the risk TV viewers face as broadcasters increasingly threaten service disruptions that would deny viewers access to the programs they and their families enjoy.

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