The ATVA’s mission is a simple one:
to give customers a voice and ask lawmakers to protect consumers by reforming outdated rules that do not reflect today’s marketplace. We are united in our determination to ensure the best viewing experience at an affordable price and to end the public threats of blackouts intended to scare and confuse viewers.

Broadcasters are abusing outdated rules to boost their bottom lines and continue to threaten viewers with blackouts. The American Television Alliance (ATVA) brings together an unprecedented coalition of consumer groups, cable, satellite, telephone companies and independent programers to raise awareness about why this is happening and what can be done to stop it.
Executive Director – Mike Chappell
Chappell is a Partner at Fierce Government Relations which represents a wide range of Fortune 100 companies. Mike and his firm have been involved with ATVA since its inception; he is a former Congressional staffer and veteran of the RNC and various campaigns.
*Governing documents are available upon request.